Sunday, March 15, 2009

Eat Great..... Even Late ?

There is nothing better than a Saturday night out. Some friends were playing at a little place this weekend, and as usual, I was nominated as the designated driver.
It was OK because I don't drink, I become a people watcher. I love to see how alcohol makes everyone just go nuts

And as always, we have to stop for breakfast and it never amazes me to watch the same people that just drank down beer and vodka, and lemon drops, and yager bombs shove runny eggs and greasy bacon and sausage right down on top of it

I stick with the coffee and some pie at that time of night, and listen to all the noise because in a crowded restaurant filled with alcohol fueled folks that have nothing to do while waiting for their moons over myhamy, you know you will get a floor show.

I am someone who has been a career designated driver for some time, and I have to say some of the best late night wrestling matches are generally found at the Waffle House or the 24 hour Hardee's, and knowing this, I decided we would visit the Denny's

Well guess what

Yeah, 4 separate fights, and one mean chic fight that resulted in some fake hair being tossed across someones table.

Who knew the late night menu at Denny's came with a floor show

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