Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday dinner

We were expecting some family over today for a late lunch, and I was thinking I would cook some crabs and shrimp. My wife informed me that some of our guests would not be able to sit outside due to the heat, and had bought a turkey to eat inside. That was great news to me, because I am fried turkey lover. This morning I got out my fryer and gave it a good clean, and
made sure my tank had plenty of propane. I got my cooker at Home Depot about 4 years ago, and think it was the best $50 bucks I ever spent. I have a gravel spot off of my patio that I use for this cooker. I'm sure you all know not to use one indoors, or under a patio. My cooker holds 8 gallons to the top, but I only add 4 gallons, which will usually cook a 15lbs bird. To get the bird ready, I wash it off and pat dry. I then make a marinade for the bird that I usually inject the night before, but if you inject it in the bird a few hours before, you should be OK.
I use a few recipes for the marinade, but this one seems to be every ones favorite at my house. Its easy enough, I melt a stick of butter, then add 2 teaspoons garlic salt, 4 drops liquid smoke, and 1/3 cup teriyaki sauce. On the outside of the bird, I only inject around the drumstick and thighs. On the inside cavity of the bird, I inject in several locations around the breast area. On the outside of the bird, I use a dry rub of seasoning salt and garlic powder. When my oil is ready, at 350 to375 degrees, I lower the bird slowly into the oil. I do it slow to keep the oil from splashing out and starting a fire. My bird was a little over 15lbs, so I cooked it for 3 and 1/2 minutes a pound, about 52 to54 minutes. This is the standard time per pound for frying turkeys. When it was done, I put it on a platter and let it cool for an hour or so until we were ready to eat. We are a long way from Thanksgiving, but fried turkey is too good to have only once a year. Our meal did not include the typical sides that you serve for Thanksgiving, we had some cole slaw, green bean salad, sliced cucumbers, and baked squash. Everyone enjoyed it, and all went home happy and full. There is still plenty of turkey left for sandwiches, and speaking of that, I think I will sneak in the kitchen for one now

1 comment:

Barb said...

Yum! I love fried turkey! It's also wonderful on a charcoal Weber!