Saturday, July 19, 2008

Eat more chicken ?

How many of you made it out for a meal lately ? It is one of my most favorite things to do. I was at a local place last night, and I can't begin to tell you how great the food was. I am a fried chicken fan, and this was the place to get it. I'm sure that the salt and fat content was way above the limit I needed to eat, but you cant beat a real fried chicken dinner. With all the problems and worries that people encounter, everyone should take the time to spoil themselves. Afterwards, a walk on the beach and out on the pier over the water. It was a great evening. I do my share of complaining, and I do spend more time than I should pacing the floor over everyday problems, but I think we could all make it a point to get away form things and unwind a little.

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